Systema i Örebro

Training Mission&Vision Statements


First, for learning Russian Martial Art (Systema) here, You don't need to be aggressive or violent towards anyone.

At this point, You better have the fighting spirit and leave your ego at the door, so you will be ready to learn more with better intentions since we aim to get stronger together, not for better than others.

And, In Systema Training class here, I will always pay attention to each student's issue because we all have our reasons for training.

For example, people who were experiencing traumatic situations might prefer to focus on how to control their fear/anger and,

Some others want to focus on strengthening their health which means there will be several techniques/methods to use while training here.

Additionally, people sometimes use self-defence without realising the probability of each situation due to different perspectives and experiences.

Because of that, I might not always train everyone to practise the same technique if I see that it doesn't improve your skills,

Instead, I'm willing to find a better method for each student to train/learn effectively.

Remember that you come here to learn self-defence and, This is not a Sports competition. I don't have the gold medal for anyone here, and no one will be a winner or loser in the Systema training group here, encompassing me.

So We should enjoy participating in Systema training without increasing the tension between ourselves or each other.

Be happy. Relax. No pressure here.

We are here to share and learn 🙌

Know that The concept of Systema Training here is to prepare your mind & body for standing survival, to be the protector, defender or even to be the attacker (if needed) or just for keeping your health, to stay healthy and stable & calm.

(Actually, depending on the circumstance that happens in life)

That is why we all can practice Systema for life.

Last, I want you to know that I'm not training you to rely on any weapon but yourself.

If this is what you agree on, you are welcome to try Systema training here😄

Words By:- Jani (Systema Instructor)